Easy Buck
Five star Life style Confessions:
Some one said some where recently I had a five star lifestyle for a few hours work!
What they forgot to say is that for a few hours so called ‘working' there are all the double hours of admin, phone calls and other work involved.
If I added it altogether is probably close to 65 hours a week, I will tell you this so called five star life is long hours!
If you wish to enter the profession just so you can buy designer goods and have an easy life?
You are better off doing longer hours at the office, with less risk to your sanity and health trust me on this one.
Because as soon as you step over the line there is no going back.
Rates can be high mainly because so is the risk to health, heart and head.
No part of the industry is an easy buck. It never was and it never will be. In this world today just joining an agency or sticking up a website as saying 'I am worth such and such’ will not necessarily bring in money to even cover your costs, let alone buy you posh bags.
My rates are high because I have spent many years gaining experience and clients along the way, it didnt happen over night. That is not something you can tell someone how to do or read it in just one book.Not even mine. You learn as you go along, research from many different sources and people can keep you safer, using your strengths to your advantage can help if you know them.
In some cases if you are unlucky it can take years of hard work, till you can have a client base you are happy with and happy with yourself.
I am not trying to portray the industry as glamorous, I am really not because it isn’t. As one journalist put it ‘Vice is not Nice’. She was right on that one front its not always nice at all,I dont think I can name a lady that has said it is off the top of my redhead?Some clients can be a real pain especially if you are working for an agent and don’t get to chose who you see.
Although it is hard for this lifestyle not to sound glam when all your asked by interviewers/press/journalist and people all the time is about how much you make.
What designer brands you have?
What clients have bought you and what famous restaurants and places have they taken you?
It might have only happened once but it gets blown up like it happens all the time.
I still laugh about all the ladies that put dining and the theatre among their escort duties.
In all of ten years working, have only been taken to the theatre once and that was years ago, why would a gent when paying for your time want to take you to some long drawn out show, rather than spend it in you intimate company, I ask you?
No one wants to know the dangers as well as the glamour really, no one wants to know the grubby side that goes alongside with it hand in hand and how it can mess with your head. Not both together anyhow, they say they do but when it comes to the crunch. Its all one side to make a point or dramatically the other to make good copy.
If I had to portray anything I would rather portray the fact that working safely and safer than others, does not mean you will earn less than them.The state of sexual health in the UK is appalling and education is even worse, the more knowledge there is out there hopefully safer practices will prevail. Fingers crossed.
Lonely Confession:
I do remember how lonely and isolation the profession can be when you start.
Even if a small part of my book helps to make others feel less alone who work in the same spheres, that’s good with me.
I am not trying for an award or fame with a book, just to tell my story is all.
At least have a heart to read it before condemning me outright.
I confess right here that I have never taken a cut, never pimped another human being.
I am quite happy pimping myself thank you very much and would never work off the back of another person.
Lasting whinge:
For goodness sake people, lets call people trafficking and forced labour for what it truly is and that is slavery nothing more, nothing diffrent.
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